繪畫比賽 (亞太區)
「 奇幻之旅 」
就讀於中學、小學及幼稚 / 幼兒園的學生
A組 ( 幼兒組 ):4歲或以下 / B組 ( 兒童組 ):5 – 7歲 /
C組 ( 少年組 ):8 – 12歲 / D組 ( 青年組 ):13 – 19歲
i) 每人只可投稿一幅
ii) 尺寸為 29cm x 38cm (±1cm) 的白畫紙,參賽作品必須橫向創作
iii) 各種媒介的平面繪畫創作均可,如:水粉畫、水彩畫、素描、蠟筆、鋼筆等之紙本作品
( 凡不合尺寸 / 非紙本 / 直向 / 摺曲 / 貼上閃粉或立體之作品均不獲評審 )
評審團 :
由李潤桓教授 、黃新銳先生等國際視覺藝術及設計專業人士與資深藝評家組成
參賽費用 :
全免,其他申請費用請瀏覽本會網站 www.ice.org.hk
評審標準 :
( 參賽作品必須為參賽者手筆,如非參賽者手筆,將被取消參賽資格 )
獎項 :
〈 個人獎項 〉 各組別均設冠、亞、季軍,並獲頒發水晶獎座乙個;
另設一等獎 (3%)、二等獎 (7%)、三等獎 (7%)及優異獎 (7%) ( 按參賽人數比例計算 )
〈 老師獎項 〉各組別冠、亞、季軍得獎者的指導老師將獲頒發〈 指導老師大獎 〉,並獲頒發水晶獎座乙個
〈 團體獎項 〉學校及藝術團體各設冠、亞、季、殿軍獎項,並獲頒發獎盃乙座
( 按參賽人數及得獎人數之比例計算 )
所有得獎作品將刊登於《 2016「奇幻之旅」》畫集內,部分優秀作品更會公開展出
得獎公佈 :
得獎名單將於 2016年5月2日 網上 www.ice.org.hk 公佈,得獎者將獲電郵通知
參賽方法 :
(1) 個人參賽者必須於網上遞交報名表格;學校 / 藝術團體 請以 excel 報名表格遞交 ( e-mail 到 dc.icehk@gmail.com ),並
(2) 下載參賽者標籤,填妥後貼於作品背面,於2016年2月1日至3月16日期間親身遞交或郵寄下列地址:
香港新界沙田排頭村50號A地下 ( MAC Gallery ) 沙田港鐵站 - 政府合署對面
信封面請註明:2016「奇幻之旅」繪畫比賽 (亞太區)
查詢電話 : (852) 2646-2647 (劉小姐/曾小姐)
傳真 : (852) 3016-9460
電郵 : dc.icehk@gmail.com
詳情請瀏覽 : www.ice.org.hk
2016 Life Fantasy
Drawing Competition (Asia-Pacific region event)
Painting activity is a language, the most direct form of communication. A drawing competition, allows participants to freely express their inner thoughts; develop their creative space, draw their hearts’ "Dream World", evoke their hopes of vision for the future, and showcase their artistic talents.
Date of Submission
1st February 2016 to 16th March 2016 (local postmark date)
"Life Fantasy"
Age Groups
Group A : age 4 or below
Group B : age 5 -7
Group C : age 8 -12
Group D : age 13 -19
Submission Guidelines
Each participant should not submit more than one entry.
Size: 29cm(H) x 38cm(W) (± 1cm) on white paper horizontally.
All artwork must be two-dimensional (2D). We accept poster color, water color, crayon, oil pastel, color pencil etc. as painting media, but substandard size / non paper / vertical / bend / paste glitter or 3D art works will not be accepted.
Panel of Judges
Prof. Lee Yun-woon
Mr. Sunny, Sun Yui Wong
and numbers of artist
(The jury is composed of international professionals in visual arts & design and experienced jurors for children art competition.)
Entry Fee
FREE of charge
Other fees: please refer to remarks
Selection Requirement
The judging will be based on the following criteria: Matching the Theme, Creativity, Aesthetic Perception, Art Form & Composition
The results will be based on the professional judges’ final decision.
All work should be original without violation of copyright. For winning artworks found to be violating copyright, the organizer has the right to amend the competition results and the party concerned will forfeit the prizes.
Individual Awards : Champion, 1st Runner-up, 2nd Runner-up for each category and also 1st Prize, 2nd Prize, 3rd Prize and Merit Prize
Instructor Awards : Champion, 1st Runner-up, 2nd Runner-up of each category
Group Awards : Schools and Art Education Organizations (Gold, Silver and Bronze) - according to number of participants and prizes obtained
All winning artworks will be collected in 2016 “Life Fantasy” Artwork Collection.
The winning and outstanding entries will be exhibited in public.
The copyright of all submitted entries will belong to the organizer, and will be used for exhibition-related publicity and website record purposes.
The organizer reserves the right of final interpretation of any disputes arising from these rules and reserves the right to change the rules without prior notification.
Result Announcement
Result will be announced at our website: www.ice.org.hk on 1st May 2016 and will be informed by e-mail.
How to Join
Individual participant must fill and submit the Application Form online.
Schools / Art Organizations must DOWNLOAD the EXCEL Application Form online and submit by e-mail to dc.icehk@gmail.com
"Entry Label" should be cut and affixed on the back of artwork.
Submit the art work to the following address in PERSON or by MAIL within the period of 1st February 2016 to 16th March 2016;
(MAC Gallery) No. 50 A, G/F, Pai Tau Village, Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong. -
Please mark ICEHK "Life Fantasy" Drawing Competition 2016 on the envelope (please do not fold).